Friday, March 27, 2009

Today's To Do List

I asked Lanny what I should write about today and he replied, "Write a list of everything that you should be doing instead of writing." Since I had no other grand ideas, I figured why not? So here's my list of things I should be doing instead of writing this post...
1. Finish washing the dishes so I have a clean counter for the first time in two weeks.
2. Bake Banana Bread (this has been on my list for the last four days and just never gets done...)
3. Bake for Salmen Ladies Weekend, Church, Bible Class, and/or company.
4. Start filing this year's receipts and update books.
5. Finish my garden seed list and order seeds.
6. Clean the bathroom.
7. Make the bed.
8. Wash at least one load of clothes.
9. Finish straightening up the house.
10. Exercise for 30 minutes.

If I can accomplish all ten things on this list today, then I will treat myself tonight with something. Not sure with what, yet, but I am sure I'll figure out something. Well, I am not getting anything on my list done by sitting here so away I go to tackle my chores!

*Update* I finished washing my dishes and baked some goodies but then Lanny came home for supper. There went my clean counter and half a pan of bars (or so it seems). I moved some things that need to be filed to my 'need to be filed' basket but didn't get any actual filing done. I finished (just about) my seed list but didn't get my seeds ordered. I walked into the bathroom to clean it but the phone rang and I 'left it for later'. I forgot the clothes at home when I went to do chores, which is usually when I wash clothes. Etc. Etc. In summation-I can easily start a project but have a terrible time actually finishing it. And, no, I did not get my treat...

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