Friday, February 13, 2009

Five Favorite Things

I have come to realize that I like things in groups of fives... I am currently obsessed with five authors (see sidebar) and five homemade things (again-see sidebar). It gets to the point where I go to the library and check out each book by a particular author (not all on the say day, mind you). Once I have read them all, the books become ho-hum so I switch to another author. Same goes for the handmade things. I will do/make that thing until I lose interest and then something else takes it's place but it's always in groups of fives. I have a college pal who once claimed that she had to eat things in pairs (eg. two chips at a time). My sister-in-law Heidi tends to be interested in things for three weeks. Lanny's interests last about three days. If it lasts longer than that, then I know he's serious about it. Does anyone else out there have idiosyncrasies like this or is it just a select few of us?

1 comment:

MindiJo said...

I just stumbled upon your blog from Jan's. My boyfriends used to last only 3 monthes. When one finally lasted longer than that, I knew I had a winner.
Is that too much information?