Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catching some Zzzzzzz....

Before I met Lanny, I was not a napper unless I was 1. sick or 2. working night shift at the Old Folk's Home. Even after we first were married, I still did not grasp the concept of an all-day Sunday snooze marathon. It drove me nuts that Lanny loved nothing more than sleeping all day when I had all of this energy and wanted to 'get out'. Fast forward to May 2008. I had started to nap on Sundays, just not as much as he was, but then I started doing chores on a regular basis. Now, I out-nap my husband some days. Like today... I won't admit it unless he asks, but I did fall back asleep after he left this afternoon. To recap my day, we climbed into bed for our daily, after-breakfast snooze. Total time-30 minutes. He hit the 'snooze' button a few times. Total time-15 minutes. He climbed out of bed and got to work finishing up our tax stuff, I slept on. Total time-60 minutes. He left on an errand, I was supposed to get up and get my act together but continued napping. Total time-55 minutes. I woke up but didn't get out of bed and fell back asleep. Total time-16 minutes. Total napping time this afternoon-176 minutes. And I feel like I need to go to bed right now, I am that tired. Darn those late nights of visiting and sauna-ing after evening chores and having a sick husband who hacks and coughs half the night....

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