Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby's First: Chore Time & Snowshoe jaunt

Yep, I did chores for the first time last night. It was kind of fun to be back out in the barn again. I am quite rusty with dipping, wiping, and putting milkers on though I can still take milkers off reasonably quickly. Now, I bet you are all wondering what about Vern. Well, he was out there with me. Before I get shocked expressions from everyone reading this, I did have him fairly bundled up. Three layers of clothing, four layers of cozy blankets,and he was in his car seat in a playpen set eight feet away from the cows. He loved it! Slept right up until his daddy walked in to help with milking. He woke up because he was hungry so I went in and fed him. Worked out well all around. I am hoping to get back into the swing of things now that I know Vern will tolerate the noise of milking but I do have some limits. I won't take him out in the barn if it's below freezing and I am not doing morning chores yet. It will be a while before I am doing chores more than a few nights a week, but with Spring fieldwork and planting right around the corner, it won't be long before my help will be much appreciated.

Also a first for Vernon-snowshoeing. Lanny and I went out for a short stroll (stroll being an understatement) this afternoon. Lanny had Vern bundled up in the frontpack and zipped his jacket around both of them. It was a funny sight to see him all bundled up like that! (Shoulda taken a picture...) Even though I've been taking walks on nice days, I was stunned at how terribly out of shape I am! I had trouble keeping up with Lanny even though he had the bigger snowshoes AND Vernon strapped to his chest! Still, it felt SO good to get out and enjoy the warm weather. It was nearly 40 degrees and the snow was just about perfect for snowshoeing. I can't wait to go again!

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