Friday, March 19, 2010

A Big Hug From Mommy and Baby

Whenever I've mentioned that V has been a slightly fussy baby (especially of late) and not wanting to sleep really well if I am not holding him, I've been advised to check out the book "The Happiest Baby On The Block". I requested it from the library on Wednesday. After yet ANOTHER late, late night with a cranky baby who didn't want to go to sleep, I caved in and bought the book at a local bookstore. AM I EVER GLAD I DID! Last night and so far today, V has slept like...well, a baby. It's simply blissful and it's SO easy to get him to calm down now. The five (well, six actually) S's are so simple to follow and they really do work. Swaddling, laying baby on Side/Stomach, Shushing, Swinging (V prefers a light bounce), and Sucking on a plug or nursing certainly do lead to Sweet Dreams! So Thank You Thank You Thank You to every Mom out there who suggested I look into getting this book. Me and my no-longer-so-crabby baby appreciate it! (I'm thinking of getting a few copies for baby shower gifts, I love this book that much!)


Pietila Family said...

Yay! So glad it worked for you! : ) Have you been using cloth diapers? I just tried a new diaper cover and love them! They are called case you are interested... the BumGenius 3.0 pocket diapers are also awesome but more expensive. Still much cheaper than disposables of course but more expensive than prefolds with covers. : )

Anonymous said...

definitely a great book for baby books. If you end up doing that, let me know if you still want me to go in with you!!

Anna said...

Glad you too found success with Happiest Baby, I loved it:) Hmm... you and Trisha give me an itch to consider cloth diapers with this next one...considering, considering.

Pietila Family said...

Do it Anna, do it! I honestly can't believe that more people from church don't use them. They save so much money. Plus, you don't have all the garbage that disposables make. Oh AND they're cute! Alright. I'll stop now. : )