Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby's First: Road Trip!!!

Headed to the UP with my sister for the weekend because I didn't want to spend the weekend alone while the hubby headed west for a ski trip. (I would have joined him but figured the other gals going along wouldn't appreciate a crying baby at 4am and I don't downhill ski.) V was pretty good for the trip-pounded down 5oz bottle AND nursed (twice) before we left but slept til Duluth. Ate then slept til Houghton. Wish he slept that long and that well at home.:) Sister's kids were fairly good, too, so the trip went by quick. Hope the return trip is as good.


Anna said...

Enjoy your time in the UP!

Ev said...

Hey, Jill. I had a great time skiing with Lanny yesterday! I hope your vacation has been just as fun.

Anonymous said...

good to hear that the kids were good during the trip!! i hope you guys had fun up there!! its always fun to see friends and family and its always a bonus to show off NEW baby!! :)