Saturday, March 13, 2010

I think I am part werewolf...

This has been one of those days where I just CANNOT wait until my hubby gets home from chores to help calm baby down. V has been fussy-not really hungry but wanting to nurse, VERY much in need of a nap but fighting it, and just cranky all around. I have put him down and let him fuss but he cries until I pick him up (whether it's five minutes or a half hour). Not gassy, no diaper rash, just plain old crabbiness. He slept ALL DAY LONG yesterday (it was BLISS!!!) and is making up for it today. What is it about these crabby baby days that make me just want to prowl outside in the dark and howl at the moon?

1 comment:

hl said...

I have The Happiest Baby on the Block book you can borrow-tried it and it works. Helen