Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year again...The grasses (okay, weeds) are sprouting, the fields are being planted, Mindy's pups are growing. And it's time for the dreaded spring cleaning...Well, I dread it anyway. I don't dread it for the work though...I dread it because it aggravates my allergies. I am constantly amazed at how much dust and dirt accumulates during the winter months. Sweeping, vaccuuming, scrubbing...It doesn't matter, the dust is still disturbed enough to fly up my nose. This spring has been no different. I am currently battling the lasting dregs of a sinus infection that has stubbornly hung on for over a week. I wish I could spring clean my sinuses! And my ears... I haven't been able to hear out of my left ear since this snot bug took up residence in my apparently comfortably homelike sinuses. The same bug must have wanted a swimming pool as the fluid build-up in my ear was quite high. I tried everything I could think of to dislodge the little menace-two kinds of essential oils, a few drops of rubbing alcohol, ear candling, doing nothing, seeing the chiropractor (I had never heard of an ear adjustment before but I have had one now.), even breaking down and taking some Robitussin for cold relief. I had a lymphatic cleanse done yesterday and it seems to have worked a bit. When I blew my nose for the first time this morning, my ear finally POPPED (loudly) and my hearing seems to be a bit better since. Hopefully it will continue to improve. Now, I am off to go garage saleing. How ironic that I spend my week cleaning and downsizing my stuff only to add to it...

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