Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Changing Seasons

Life doesn't stand still and since it doesn't, time has to pass. What I'm learning now is that everything has it's season-the year has four seasonal changes that affect growth and weather, my kids are changing sometimes daily, my secret dreams shift as my interests expand, even friendships ebb and flow like the seasons of the year.

This season is more than just leaves changing in the trees, cooler winds blowing, school busses driving down the road  after a long (well, short) hiatus, and harvesting the last of the garden before the first frost.  I'm finding seasons in my children's daily activities.  A had a very real conversation with me this morning.  It was filled with bright observances of her surroundings, logical questions pertaining to her family, and more unconditional love than I could ever imagine.  It was a bittersweet reminder than my daughter's Toddler Season is approaching it's end and, while the next one is just as bright and cheery as this one is, it'll still be a different time.  A different season of her life and a different season in my own.

A friendship that needed dusting off is now fresh and renewed.  It's so amazing to discover that we could pick up really where we left off yet there's evidence that experiences have happened and we are both different people. 

My dreams are a constantly moving, swirling mass of thoughts in my head and the only constant amongst them is that they are my own.  I'm constantly coming up with new ideas, discarding old, and adding to the current ones.  When I realize one dream, even then it usually spurs another.  I just added to my dream box this morning when I came across a new recipe that I'd like to try adapting.

Things have been crazy lately with appointments, errand running, harvest arriving upon us, and just life happenings in general.  Sometimes I wonder how I keep my head on straight and everything just overwhelms me.  But then I stop, take a breath, and concentrate on making order of it all.

So, while it might sometimes seem like life is unraveling and coming apart at the seams, I'm having fun re-winding the yarns and knitting something new as we enter another season of the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it!!