Thursday, September 5, 2013

Autumn is upon us...supposedly


This month always makes me think of crisp cool mornings with the dew heavy on the grass followed by milder slightly breezy days, excited schoolkids (well more likely excited Moms) climbing onto big yellow busses, the infusion of color as the trees herald the seasonal change in an explosion of yellows, reds, oranges, and all the hues in between, and enormous V shapes of squawking, honking geese following the generations old call of the southern climes (after all, aren't they the original 'snow birds'?).  All these signs hints that Old Man Winter is starting to snuffle and snort his way out his summer slumbers.


It's a month of high school football games, jeans and sweatshirts replace shorts and t-shirts, raking leaves, and harvesting the garden's bounty. It's a time of pumpkins, squash, and apples by the bushel.  It's a time of peace as life begins to slow in readiness for long winter's sleeps.  Trees begin to color and shed their leaves, animals tend their winter beds and food stores, and we moms start hauling out the kids winter gear only to find half pairs of mittens, thread bare knit hats, and jackets that mysteriously shrunk two sizes in storage.


It's the first month that, to me, says Fall Is Here.

And yet, tomorrow the high is in the mid 90's and the heat index will be pushing 100...
If it's September, why does it feel like August?

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