Thursday, September 12, 2013

And so starts the day...

Do you like corn on the cob?

I do.  There's nothing quite like fresh sweet corn with supper, is there?  And, while my sweet corn wasn't as bountiful as it has been in years past, we still got one picking out of the corn patch. 

And did you know cows like corn on the cob too?  Well, if you didn't, now you do.

If you need proof, just come look at our corn field right now and you will see exactly where the cows managed to not-so-sneakily-wander their way in and ramble about til we found them happily munching away this morning.

Let's just say we had a herd-ful of bellering, bossing animals this morning that weren't too pleased to be chased out of their bountiful breakfast feast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't go wrong with fresh-outta-the-garden corn on the cobs! (: