Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Stockings Were Hung

Not by the chimney but rather by the old cardboard fireplace that my parent's have set up every year that I can remember. It's getting a little more rickety and a little more faded but it only adds to the charm. So the fireplace is set up in a nook by the steps and the stockings were hung from nails on the stair treads. At home, our stockings are hung with care from a shelf or simply tossed on the back of the couch. Not a chimney in sight there either. Not having a chimney, however, has not prevented Saint Nick from finding my stocking. This year, as in all prior years, he found filled it with surprises. Mrs. Claus sent two pairs of cozy warm socks while her husband added the usual deodorant and toothpaste since hygiene has always been high on his list of priorities, a new audio book to help pass the several hour drive home tomorrow, and (best of all) a sample of the new laminate flooring that will (hopefully) soon cover the floor of our new addition. Santa was certainly generous this year.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

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