Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Green-Eyed Monster

My younger sister had a pretty, petite little girl in the early, early AM hours. (FINALLY...My sis has been ready to have her baby for ages!) I have to admit to being a proud auntie for the third time on my side of the family. She's adorable and looks just like me (if I do say so myself) when I was a newborn. ;) I was there visiting this afternoon and I am so jealous because I've still got about three weeks (more like five I'm guessing though) to go but I am getting so ready to have this baby! :P I never thought I would be this anxious but I am. It seems like the weeks can't go by fast enough but at the same time I don't want to be done being pregnant. Does that make sense? I am ready to have my belly back to myself but this baby is so much more managable when it's still in there. No crying babies, poopy diapers, or midnight feedings to worry about yet, but seeing my niece made me yearn to hold my own baby and count those little fingers and toes and babble baby nonsense and all those cute little things you do with newborns. And it would be nice not to wake up in the middle of the night because the baby has the hiccups and keeps nudging nerves in my back.

Also jealous because now my sister can start working on taking off her 'baby weight' (after a waiting period of course.) Had a Dr appointment yesterday and everything still looks good, though my total weight gain jumped to 24 pounds. So I didn't make my 20 pound goal but I am accepting that and proud that I didn't let myself gain this much weight up until this point. It's a disappointment but that's life. I am also disappointed because I haven't had any 'true' contractions yet (although I did have a REALLY ouchy B/H contraction this evening) so my Dr said she wasn't going to check me even though there are strong indications that the baby has dropped and my Braxton/Hicks contractions are getting stronger. (It's really nice to be able to breathe again but not so nice having to pee like every five minutes...) Grr... I was hoping that I would get checked and she would tell me that signs are pointing to me going early. Oh well...I should know better than to get my hopes up. Now I know why they say pregnant women dread the last few weeks...


Anonymous said...

reading all this makes me smile...its sooo awesome knowing that you made it this far and before you know it, you will be a MOMMY! Once a mom, always a mom! You and Lanny's life will change forever after you both experience the birth of your first born!! I am soo happy for you guys (i could cry) I dont think we really truly appreciate our children until we experience all the aches and pains that come with pregnancy!! Hang in there Jill, it will be over soon and you will soon forget all of this...:) My baby is only 3 months old and I am ALMOST wishing to be pregnant again... Did you hear that?? (I said ALMOST!!) heeheehee.

joan j said...

Funny that you say the adorable baby looks like your baby pictures. I thought she looked a lot like Aila. She's gotta be a good mix. Isn't she just soo cute?! And so little.....