Monday, July 6, 2009

Check the Fridge

I have fond memories of my parent's fridge door. It's a funny thing to admit but it's true. One could usually find my latest masterpiece among the artsy contributions of my younger siblings. There might also be a chore schedule (made with good intentions but rarely followed with such), a calendar of some kind, magnets of all shapes and sizes (including the requisite alphabet letters), and the odd A+ paper or two. However, my ffavorite part of the fridge door was the comics section. My mom had (and still does) this thing about cutting out particularly humorous comics from the newspaper and taping them to the fridge door. Family-based comics like Baby Blues, Hi and Lois, and (by far the best one of all) For Better or For Worse featured prominently as they so closely reflected family life . Calvin and Hobbes and Family Circle were other regulars. Occasionally, Beetle Bailey or Garfield might find a niche somewhere as well. Every time I walked past the fridge, I had to stop and see if anything new had replaced an 'oldie but a goodie'. She didn't throw out any of those old strips either. She has nearly filled her second photo album with those saved strips. It makes for a fun afternoon to sit and page through those old comics.

Looking at my fridge, I see that I am doing much the same thing. Since we don't regularly get a newspaper with comic strips in it, my fridge is a bit sparce in the funnies division, but I've got a few good ones there. They are joined by the grocery list, a calendar, pictures of family and friends, a variety of magnets, and my To-Do list that never seems to get smaller. Someday, I'll have my own albums of comic strips.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I think you can learn a lot about a family by what's on their fridge....:)