Sunday, October 20, 2013

Anniversary Celebrations

This is a sort of rare occurrence. Six years ago today I married L and for pretty much the first time since our wedding day, we aren't working on our anniversary.  Usually we are moving cows from the summer barn to the winter barn or doing our monthly milk testing on the cows or plowing fields or harvesting corn or doing something farm-related and there just isn't time to celebrate ON our anniversary as a consequence. Such is life on a farm.

But today is a Sunday. A day of rest.  And I had thought briefly about going out to eat or hiking thru the woods or doing something to celebrate our anniversary on the actual day for once.  But I can't.  I'm at my parent's house, loading my van and getting my kids ready to drive back home after a long weekend vacation. And L is at home...several hours away...

So, yet again, we aren't doing anything for our anniversary on the actual day.  But I've found it doesn't matter all that much because we celebrate our marriage every day anyway.  It's in the small things-the I love yous, the holding hands, the raising of our children, the daily routine that makes up our lives and being helpmeets to each other. So when we acknowledge our marriage every day, we don't NEED to celebrate it on that one day.  We already do...

Sure, we'll probably go out to eat sometime in the future and say, "This is our anniversary dinner." and maybe the next year will go by and we won't have done anything at all.  But it'll be okay either way.

I'm still going to hurry home as fast as I can (or at least as fast as the speed limit, traffic, weather and my children's bladders will allow) so I can give my hubby a hug and tell him how much I love him.

Happy Six Years, L.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!