Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring Cometh...Or not...

Spring 2012
The days were warm and sunny.
The garden was growing and bird were singing in the oak trees behind my house.Cows were grazing in the lush green pasture.
My wardrobe was T-shirts, capris, and flip-flop sandals.

Spring 2013
It's snowing...again...
I'm still wearing my winter sweats, warm socks, and knee-high rubber boots.

There's going to be plenty of irritated people if that forecaster who predicted 60's and (gasp!) 70's for this weekend turns out to be wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't listen to the radio much these days, or believe 100% what the forecast says.. We have been putting our trust in God and everyday we take what comes! God has a better plan for us all.. Being pessimistic and being negative about something is not worth it, just my opinion, of course! We have been thankful for this pro-longed winter in many ways!! (: