Thursday, November 29, 2012

House Update

Things have really been happenin' around here lately. The house is moved, the basement is almost done and they moved the addition up to the house today. There's still plenty to be done (backfilling, building the staircase/addition, finishing up the waterline, etc) but each day's work brings us closer to the finish of this phase of the project. It's amazing how much has been accomplished since the end of October. Hopefully we'll be done with the immediate work by Christmas but, if there's one thing I've learned since we decided to do this, is that there are no guarantees and it's best to be flexible. Hoping to get some pics up soon now that we have high speed internet. (L decided it was time to get the faster stuff. We've had it for about an hour and let me tell you, I'm loving it. :P)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wahoo for progress! How exciting for you! *happy sigh* Can't wait to see the fun and new changes.. :)