Thursday, November 15, 2012

House Renovations, and Telephone Lines

Isn't it just like a farmer to leave digging a basement until just before the ground freezes.... It took a summer of anxious waiting (on my part anyway), a bag full of discarded house plans, and watching one project after another fill up my hubby's spare time, but we were finally able to start our house renovations! We broke ground on our basement little over a week ago, the walls are done enough to move the house, and if things went as planned today the house will be on it's new 'home' tomorrow. It seems surreal to be at this point when two weeks ago, I wasn't sure it was going to happen at all. But it is. It's been so exciting to see the basement being dug and the walls going up. V has just LOVED 'helping' his daddy and the contractor "build the house" this last week. And since I didn't want to have the kids underfoot while the guys were moving the house (or deal with no water or electricity while the move is occuring) I took off to my parent's for a weekend. I do want to note that there will likely be few updates after this for a while as our telephone line is 1. a temporary line which usually equals spotty internet connections and 2. we have usually horrendously slow dial-up and it takes a half hour to load a web page...on a good day...(maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but not by much) So I apologize if it seems I've dropped off the face of the earth.

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