Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Farmer's Almanac-Knows it all or a Bunch of Hooey?

We bought the 2010 Farmer's Almanac this year, kind of as a jokey thing, but it has alot more info in it than I originally thought it would. (It's got some great articles on stretching the grocery bill, going 'green', and ways to reuse common household items.) However, I was most interested in the weather predictions. A few weeks ago (this was before we bought the Almanac), I told Lanny that I thought we were in for a cold winter because of the unseasonably cool summer we had. I just had this feeling that we are in for some bitter days. Lanny told me that my prediction was funny because the Farmer's Almanac was predicting the same thing while meteorologists are predicting an unseasonably warm winter. I am sticking to my original idea of cold but not because the Almanac says so. It's because I just have this weird notion that I am right. I hope I am proven wrong as I am having a winter baby but we'll see who's right in the end.


Megan said...

Winter babies are kind of nice, because if it's cold outside, you don't feel as if you really have to go anywhere. Less chance of them catching any kind of sickness. Plus babies like to be cozied and bundled, and if it's hot, it's hard to do so. :) My Jenna is a winter baby.

Cheryl said...

We potty trained Leah according to the almanac, and it worked great!