Saturday, March 8, 2014

Writer's Block

I know I haven't been posting very regularly but I've had a bad case of writer's block. I'd sit here and absolutely nothing would come to mind.  Sure there's plenty I could write about. Like how much snow we have (LOTS but not as much as some) and how Spring Calving Season is literally ready to start at any moment (already did if you count that heifer two weeks ago) or how my kids are growing in leaps and bounds (time to move them up a size in clothes) or how little farm 'stuff' there is to talk about right now (s-l-o-w time of year).

But somehow none of it seemed to spark my interest.  Still struggling with what to write so I'm letting my fingers go tippy tapping across the keyboard and we'll see what comes of it.


Not much apparently.

Better luck next time? I can only hope.

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