Friday, October 29, 2010

Baby's First: Crawling and Talking

Yep, my little nine month old boy is crawling. It's so cute because he pushes his bum up in the air to get on his knees and then 'inches' like an inchworm. What makes it especially hilarious is that he can only go backwards! The look of puzzlement when he finds himself backed up into a corner gets me giggling every time. He can also scoot forwards on his belly and while sitting up if he has something to grab onto. His latest trick is to attempt to pull himself up using the furniture. This has resulted in a few tumbles and bonked noggins, but that doesn't deter my intrepid little man.

He's also so very proud of his ability to talk. His extensive vocabulary includes lengthy words like Mamamamamamama and Dadadadadada and AAAAHHHHHHHHH! The latest addition to V's word bank is Uck or Ucka (as in Yuck) and he will proudly proclaim "Uck" before wrinkling his nose and snorting. It's his latest trick and he does it to make Mommy laugh. Seriously though, since most of his babble is still just babble, I've been working on baby sign language with him in hopes that some of it will stick. He sees me sign Milk when I give him a bottle (open and close one hand into a fist as if milking a cow) but it's like working with Pavlov's dogs... I sign Milk and he starts smacking his lips...

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