Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why is it that....

when things seem the worst, something always happens to make it better?

Crabby baby had Mommy up half the night.
Calves didn't want to cooperate during feeding.
Cranky, hungry baby wanted Mommy ALL DAY LONG.
Garden in need of planting, weeding, and watering but baby not happy about being outside.
Mommy ate too many carbs, didn't drink enough water, and WAY behind on dishes/laundry/housework/etc.
Mommy REALLY didn't want to do chores but had to.
Mommy was very tired and just as crabby as baby.

Just when it seemed like it would never end, baby looked up at Mommy and grinned...right before sticking his tongue out and going Pllllbbbbbbb (accompanied by copious amount of baby drool) It's V's newest trick and he's so proud! Suddenly my bad day didn't seem so terrible anymore. (Besides, shortly after Daddy came in and took pity on Mommy. He held baby and fed him a bottle.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad to hear you had a bad day!! He is growing up way tooo fast!! Daddy to the rescue!!! YAY!!!