Thursday, October 22, 2009

The World's Best Feeling

Is when you have the energy to make four supper meals-worth of food to add to your freezer, a batch of cookies, tonight's supper already on the table, and a (mostly) tidy house all with an hour to spare before chore time. I wish I had this much energy on a daily basis. Why is it that I get so ambitious on the days when I am the most in need of a nap? Is this just a pregnancy thing?

Oh, and wish me luck on my glucose test tomorrow. A bit nervous about it thought I really shouldn't be. I've felt better than I ever have during this pregnancy and my weight gain is still under 10 pounds total (at least according to my bathroom scale although it tells me I've gained more than I wanted to in the last six weeks). No signs or symptoms of it otherwise. Just something that's been on my mind.

1 comment:

joan j said...

How did the test go?