Monday, August 10, 2009

Cloth Diapers

As many of you may already know (and if you don't, now you will) I am due in early February. After my prior miscarriages, I am still nervous about the possibility of another but everything is going well so far. Anyway, I am curious about cloth diapers. I know, I know...You might be thinking I am crazy but I have good reasons for wanting to try cloth diapers. Being an organic farmer's wife, I personally feel a responsibility to be at least somewhat 'green' and this is, in my opinion anyway, another way for me to do that. (Disposable diapers don't compost as I found out when our dog dragged one home from a dump pile and proceeded to shred it on my doorstep.) Plus, they save money and are easier on a baby's bum (or so I've been told).

I am just curious of your experiences with 'clothies' (or lack thereof). What is your opinion? Use them or not? If you have used them, do you recommend them? What brands, styles, etc. did you try? Any that aren't so good? And do you know of any resources where I could find more information on cloth diapers?


Megan said...

Congrats Jill! Ihope all continues to go well.... good luck with the cloth diapers. I've contemplated the idea a few times, and perhaps I might try them for one of my babies..... just not now when I have to haul my laundry to the laundromat. :)

Anonymous said...

I have some cloth diapers which have been around the block a few times. Ask me about them when the time comes. I found it easiest to use disposables for the first couple months, then switch to cloth when your MOM body is ready for a little extra laundry.

Pietila Family said...

Hi Jill!

You probably know that I used cloth for both girls and loved them. Really I did. Bradley liked them too. We mostly used prefolds, velcro covers and snappi's at home and BumGenius when we were out and about. Washing cloth diapers is just the same as dumping in a load of cow rags every other day. :) Anyhow, I have done a ton of research on cloth diapers so I'd be happy to help you out. I'm sad our house here doesn't have a washer/dryer. It's not such a big deal now as Katelyn doesn't wear diapers during the day anymore. (Yay for bare bum training!) But come December - I'm going to be sad if I can't use my cloth diapers... it's such a huge money saver.

Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

Jill! Congratulations! Hope all continues to go well. and the rest I have no advice for :)

Anna said...

Congrats Jill! I just heard the other day...after I saw you at the auction, so I didn't get to say in person. I considered trying cloths, but being in school at the birth of both kids, I NEEDED the convenience of disposables. My only helpful comment was to say talk to Trisha, but she beat me to the point:)

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to try cloth diapers too!! I just haven't had the time to call Andrea and borrow hers for a trial run! Let me know what you find!! Glad to hear everything is still going good. We need to keep in touch more!!

Ev said...

Ditto what Jennifer said!

Anonymous said...

I'd say if you're not already, I'd do the homemade wipes as well. Saves a ton of money, and no harsh chemicals for that baby! I just used flannel, double sided it, and stitched the edges. We love em, and our baby does too! So easy, just throw em right in the wash with the diapers!