Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What's for dinner? Milk!

Well, for my husband it is anyway.

My husband has been reading "The Untold Story of Milk" by Ron Schmid, ND. After reading about a diet described in the book-for one full month, he would consume nothing but our milk, he decided to try it. Since June 3, he has had nothing but raw milk, a little bit of raw milk cheese, and villia (did I spell that right?). I am proud that he has stuck with it this long and with little complaint. (The only complaints I get are when I happen to eat pasty in front of him.) When asked what the purpose of being on this diet is, he replies, "It's good for lowering high blood pressure and bringing up low blood pressure. It helps overweight people lose weight, but allows underweight people to gain. It's good for diabetes, artheritis, heart disease, asthma, allergies, and a whole bunch of other things." I think it sounds like on of those 'too good to be true' diets but I am seeing a difference in him already. He's lost some weight, his blood pressure and resting heart rate are down, and he feels good. Am I doing this diet? Nope. I hope to try it sometime in the future, but my hubby decided to start his diet the day after I went grocery shopping. He told me I am not allowed to do the diet because there is too much food in the fridge.

Now, after being on the milk diet for a month, he wants to go a month without eating anything cooked. I forsee July's menu being filled with alot of salad. If, by August, you see me sprouting salad greens and rabbit ears, you'll know why. Oh and if you would like to read the book, we have an extra copy.


Anonymous said...

It is such a weird diet but if it works, thats all that counts!! Way to go Lanny!!

Ev said...

I've never heard of such a strange diet! I'm not dissing it, I am just flabbergasted that you can survive so long (and feel good!) on merely raw milk.

joan j said...

What?! This is crazy! Now that I read this, I did notice that he looked different on Sunday when we saw you guys. Must be the new diet! I don't know that I could survive on something like this, but apparently it's possible! :)