Thursday, March 24, 2011

Busy, busy boy

I had to run to town today and among my lengthy list of errands was to stop at the grocery store. Since we are trying to incorporate more salads into our diet, I stocked up on tomatoes and lettuce. When I arrived home, L needed his supper so he could head to barn and I, being the nice wife I am, neglected to finish putting my groceries away in order to feed my hubby. After L left for chores, I was indisposed for a few moments with feeding the puppies and bringing in the last few bags from the van. When I walked back into the kitchen, V was happily sitting amongst the previously full grocery bags. My salad fixings, tomato sauce cans, and Cheerio box were spread haphazardly around the floor and V had spent a few minutes test-tasting a few things. There are now chomp marks in every..single..tomato.. Not sure if he liked the flavor or not but he tried them all.

I suppose I should be thankful that he hasn't learned how to climb or walk unassisted yet.

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